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Candidates Do Better in Getting Right Answers Than in Explaining Reasoning Process
Date : 2010-03-18
World Class Tests in Mathematics and Problem Solving administered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have found that Hong Kong students aged 8 to 14 performed better in arriving at the right answers in tests, but less well in explaining each step in the process of calculation.

The difference is particularly significant in the younger age group between 8 and 11. For instance, in the Algebra questions, the average score for the "answers" part was 67, but the average score for the "calculation process" part was 42. Meanwhile, in the Measurement questions, the average score for "answers" was 68 while that for "calculation process" was only 38.

"Hong Kong students are in general well trained in doing examination papers, especially in answering multiple choice questions that do not require the candidate to explain his reasoning process," said Prof Wong Man-Yu of the HKUST Mathematics Department, who has conducted a detailed analysis on the test results.

Added Prof Edmund Chiang of the same department, "In general, being able to arrive at a correct answer is only part of the learning process. It is equally important that one can understand the topic in a holistic manner and be able to explain clearly the thinking process behind. The latter is particularly important to a person's lifelong development. However, as the candidates taking part in the World Class Tests are not randomly selected, the analysis results may not necessarily reflect the overall situation in Hong Kong."

The above results were derived from the Mathematics papers for both the 8 to 11 age group, in which 1,480 students took the test, and the 12 to 14 age group, involving 305 students. As for the Problem Solving papers, a total of 683 and 210 candidates are from the 8 to 11 age group and the 12 to 14 age group respectively.

The World Class Tests

Since the launch of the World Class Tests in 2001 by the British Government's Department for Education and Skills for assessing and nurturing gifted youngsters, the Tests have become an international benchmark for Mathematics and Problem Solving. The questions in the tests are designed by professors of renowned universities in the UK, USA and Australia.

The Tests were first introduced in Hong Kong in 2004, and since then, nearly 30,000 students from about 400 primary and secondary schools have taken the Tests. In 2008 HKUST was commissioned to promote and administer the Tests in the Asian region.

World Class Tests are organized throughout the world in April and November each year, and the results announced today are of the November 2009 tests conducted at various school test sites in Hong Kong.

附 錄 1
Appendix 1

中 學 組 數 學 科 最 傑 出 表 現 學 校 獎
Most Outstanding Group Performance in Mathematics (Aged 12-14)

金 文 泰 中 學 Clementi Secondary School
沙 田 崇 真 中 學 Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
聖 保 羅 男 女 中 學 St Paul's Co-Educational College
東 華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中 學 TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College
英 華 書 院 Ying Wa College

中 學 組 解 難 分 析 科 最 傑 出 表 現 學 校 獎
Most Outstanding Group Performance in Problem Solving (Aged 12-14)

拔 萃 女 書 院 Diocesan Girls' School
沙 田 崇 真 中 學 Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
聖 保 羅 男 女 中 學 St Paul's Co-Educational College
英 華 書 院 Ying Wa College

小 學 組 數 學 科 最 傑 出 表 現 學 校 獎
Most Outstanding Group Performance in Mathematics (Aged 8-11)

華 德 學 校 上 午 校 Bishop Walsh Primary School (A.M.)
聖 公 會 田 灣 始 南 小 學 S.K.H. Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School
聖 方 濟 各 英 文 小 學 St. Francis Of Assisi's English Primary School

小 學 組 解 難 分 析 科 最 傑 出 表 現 學 校 獎
Most Outstanding Group Performance in Problem Solving (Aged 8-11)

華 德 學 校 上 午 校 Bishop Walsh Primary School (A.M.)
啟 思 小 學 Creative Primary School
聖 公 會 田 灣 始 南 小 學 S.K.H. Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School
聖 方 濟 各 英 文 小 學 St. Francis Of Assisi's English Primary School

附 錄 2
Appendix 2

12-14 歲 中 學 組 數 學 科 - 各 級 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Candidate in Mathematics (Aged 12-14)
  聖 保 羅 男 女 中 學 劉 振 庭 Lau Chun Ting Secondary 1 Level St. Paul's Co-Educational College
  拔 萃 女 書 院 王 詩 雅 Wong Sze Nga Secondary 2 Level Diocesan Girls' School
  順 德 聯 誼 總 會 梁 銶 琚 中 學 賴 雋 喬 Lai Chun Kiu Secondary 3 Level Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College
  越 級 挑 戰 數 學 科 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Challenger in Mathematics (Aged 12-14)
  聖 方 濟 各 英 文 小 學 陳 梓 瑜 Chan Tsz Yu St. Francis Of Assisi's English Primary School
12-14 歲 中 學 組 解 難 分 析 科 - 各 級 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Candidate in Problem Solving (Aged 12-14)
  聖 保 羅 男 女 中 學 劉 振 庭 Lau Chun Ting Secondary 1 Level St. Paul's Co-Educational College
  喇 沙 書 院 許 百 楠 Hui Pak Nam Secondary 2 Level La Salle College
  聖 保 羅 男 女 中 學 曾 煦 德 Tsang Hardy Hui Tak Secondary 3 Level St. Paul's Co-Educational College
  越 級 挑 戰 解 難 分 析 科 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Challenger in Problem Solving (Aged 12-14)
  佛 教 中 華 康 山 學 校 李 瑋 樑 Lee Wai Leung Buddhist Chung Wah Kornhill Primary School
8-11 歲 小 學 組 數 學 科 - 各 級 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Candidate in Mathematics (Aged 8-11)
  聖 瑪 加 利 男 女 英 文 中 小 學 陳 星 宏 Chan Mannix Primary 3 Level St. Margaret's Co-educational English Secondary & Primary School
  聖 公 會 田 灣 始 南 小 學 陳 曉 諾 Chan Hiu Lok Primary 4 Level S.K.H. Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School
  聖 方 濟 各 英 文 小 學 鄭 子 浚 Cheng Tsz Tsun Primary 5 Level St. Francis Of Assisi's English Primary School
  拔 萃 男 書 院 附 屬 小 學 莊 洛 霆 Chong Lok Ting James Primary 6 Level Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division
8-11 歲 小 學 組 解 難 分 析 科 - 各 級 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Candidate in Problem Solving (Aged 8-11)
  聖 瑪 加 利 男 女 英 文 中 小 學 陳 星 宏 Chan Mannix Primary 3 Level St. Margaret's Co-educational English Secondary & Primary School
  香 港 道 教 聯 合 會 圓 玄 學 院 陳 呂 重 德 紀 念 學 校 何 浚 銘 Ho Tsun Ming Primary 4 Level H.K.T.A.Y.Y.I. Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial School
  天 主 教 善 導 小 學 嚴 耀 華 Yim Yiu Wa Primary 5 Level Good Counsel Catholic Primary School
  合 一 堂 學 校 黎 新 禹 Lai San Yu Primary 6 Level Hop Yat Church School
中 學 組 最 年 輕 雙 優 生
Youngest Outstanding Candidate (Aged 12-14 Test)
英 皇 佐 治 五 世 學 校 關 瑞 駿 Kwan Sui Chun Sampson King George V School
小 學 組 最 年 輕 雙 優 生
Youngest Outstanding Candidate (Aged 8-11 Test)
聖 瑪 加 利 男 女 英 文 中 小 學 陳 星 宏 Chan Mannix St. Margaret's Co-educational English Secondary & Primary School